We’ve all been there - whether it's a headache, muscle pain, or an injury- we…

Virtual Consultation at 360 Chiropractic
So, we’re going into a 2nd lockdown and although the clinic will remain open throughout, you may prefer to have a virtual consultation rather than attend clinic in person.
A common question I am asked is:
How can a virtual consultation help when usually I would go and see the Chiropractor for a physical adjustment?
It’s true the adjustment is a big part of your treatment but there are a lot of other parts of a treatment plan that can be implemented without physical contact if that is your preference.
Benefits of Virtual Consultation
- Reduced time and effort to attend your appointment
- No travel required
- No need for Childcare
- More flexible times for appointments
- Individualised advice
- Advice given directly for your issue and not just generalised advice found online
- Teaching you the skills to help your own body
- No in person contact (especially valuable if you need to self-isolate or feel vulnerable in the current climate)
What to expect from a Virtual Consultation
A virtual consultation can happen at a time and place convenient for you.
As long as you have a screen with a camera so that I can see you and some space to move around that is all that you will need.
A virtual consultation can last between 30 – 60 minutes. During that time we will discuss:
- What your current issue is and it’s history
- I can look at postures and movement patterns that may be affected
- You will be given advice about what may be causing your issue and any activities you can undertake to help improve it
- Individualised stretches and exercises
You may require follow up consultations as your issue changes and improves, this will depend on what your issue is and how long you have had it.
A virtual consultation can also be used as an initial triage appointment to see if you need to come into clinic for a hands on adjustment. In this case it can reduce your face to face appointment time further reducing risk from close contact.
How to book
If you are interested to find out more or are ready to book your virtual consultation then you can contact the clinic by phone or email
I look forward to ‘virtually’ meeting you soon.

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